What we do
At Yorkshire Rose Dyslexia, we believe in a dyslexic friendly society, that enables every neuro-diverse person of all ages to reach their full potential.
Registered Charity 702249
Yorkshire Rose Dyslexia
We operate a helpline service run by volunteers. Please be considerate when calling, some helpliners are very busy and some have full-time jobs but give what time they can to help take phone calls.
We arrange conferences, webinars and seminars on a regular basis covering topics which are of interest to both parents, teachers, tutors and Learning Support Staff.
Typing by touch could be one of the most valuable skills your Dyslexic child will ever learn, changing written work forever. YRD Typing Club offers touch typing for children + 8 years old, based at Fulneck School, Fulneck in Pudsey, run by volunteers. It offers weekly lessons and home practice is encouraged.