Registered Charity 702249

Tutors & Assessors Directory

At Yorkshire Rose Dyslexia, we believe in a dyslexic friendly society, that enables every neuro-diverse person of all ages to reach their full potential.

About our Tutors & Assessors Directory

When parents ask us for names of specialist tutors, we always advice parents to speak to class teacher and if possible SENco and also to check the school’s SEN policy on Dyslexia. Some schools may carry out an assessment or ask advice from Learning Support Services, in our experience, this does not often happen.

Every school must have a SEND dyslexia policy which details the provision for dyslexic students, this should be on the school’s website. Ask your school‘s secretary if you cannot find it on website.


See our Directory of local Specialist Assessors /Tutors who are qualified to carry out dyslexia assessments and or tutoring.

The list includes the following information:

    • Name and location, contact details and where possible website
    • Specialist teaching qualifications associated with dyslexia
    • Age range i.e. child, student, adult


Assessors can assess and produce reports which help families to seek appropriate help in schools or when applying for exam arrangements. Some tutors are able to provide reports that can assist with the planning of individual learning programme. Any specific concerns and issues should be discussed and clarified with tutor. This will enable a choice of options to be considered.

Yorkshire Rose Dyslexia does not recommend any individual. It is the responsibility of the parent to check for themselves the credentials of the tutor. Yorkshire Rose Dyslexia cannot accept any responsibility for any advice or information given by any tutor on the list.

Tutors & Assessors: Join our Directory today!

If you are a Yorkshire Rose Dyslexia Professional Member and hold a recognised dyslexia/SpLD qualification you also have the option to create a public profile on the Tutor/Assessor Directory. The fee to be a Professional Member is £30/year paid on a rolling debit basis and can be cancelled at any time.

Christine Laurie, Leeds

About Me

Hello. My name is Chris Laurie and I have 30 years experience in assessing and teaching children and young people with dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties. I enjoy seeing the accomplishments of the children that I teach as they move towards independent learning. I have helped hundreds of children and families over the years and have enjoyed every moment. This is my passion. As well as 1-1 tutoring, I can offer a full diagnostic assessment with a thorough report which is always received with excellent feedback. I look forward to hearing from you.

If you wish you can have a logo or a photo on your Tutor Profile.


AMBDA no: 18/AMB10183
PGCE in Education, (additional learning needs, dyslexia)
APC no: 500002946-IF7643
DBS certificate
Member of The British Psychological Society, Test user, no: 292192

Age Range

  • Primary
  • Secondary


  • Tuition
  • Study Skills
  • Maths
  • Full Diagnostic Assessments
  • Assessments for Access Arrangements

Become a Member

At Yorkshire Rose Dyslexia, we believe in a dyslexic friendly society, that enables every neuro-diverse person of all ages to reach their full potential.