Registered Charity 702249

The Dyslexia Research Project 2021

Does spelling practice help children with dyslexia learn sight words?

We have once again been contacted by Leeds Uni to take part in theirĀ Dyslexia Research Project

From Leeds Uni – “Do you have a child aged 11-16 with a diagnosis of dyslexia? We are running an online study to see whether spelling practice can help young people with dyslexia learn words by sight so that they can read more fluently. The study will involve taking part in a video call where we quickly measure your child’s reading and spelling ability. After this we will give you a link to the online part of the study, where your child will learn some specially created novel words; their learning will be measured immediately after and then again after a delay of a few days.”

We are very pleased that Leeds Uni came to us for this study. It allows our members to have input into the current research.


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