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APPG for Dyslexia and Other Specific Learning Difficulties – “The Human Cost of Dyslexia”


30th of April 2019

The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Dyslexia and other Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs), which the British Dyslexia Association is Secretariat to, has published the report of this year’s APPG. You can also read the BDA’s article about this year’s APPG here.


9th of April 2019

As you may know, there has been much recent discussion and debate about Dyslexia and several Local Authority’s have decided to stop identifying children with dyslexia and instead intend to provide one intervention approach to the teaching of all children with literacy difficulties despite the cause. This approach takes no account of the other difficulties experienced by dyslexic children and adults.

During this year’s APPGs, there will be three meetings looking separately at the human, societal and educational impact of dyslexia. To frame the other sessions, areas also to be looked at will be, the impact on individuals and their families and the human impact of going through education and life with dyslexia.

In preparation for this year’s APPGs, the British Dyslexia Association (BDA) has been collecting information to gain a better insight into the current parental experience of dyslexia, exploring the emotional cost and impact on a family. This evidence will be presented at the meeting on Wednesday 24th April 2019. Future meetings will be exploring the Educational Costs and the Social Costs of dyslexia.

Please write to your MP with a brief story and asking them to attend this meeting, one of three that will be looking at the Human Cost of Dyslexia.

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